
Friday, March 1, 2019


PRACTICUM REPORT ON THE ADMINISTRATIVE ROLES, FUNCTIONS AND STRUCTURES OF THE KADUNA northmost local anaesthetic governing EDUCATION ascendency, KADUNA STATE, NIGERIACHAPTER ONE1.0 INTRODUCTIONA practicum is a practical playing field of study which students studying commandmental Administration and Planning must agree out as a partial requirement for the fulfillment of the grant of Bachelor Degree in raisemental Administration and Planning. The students who offer developmental Administration and Planning as their course of study argon judge to inwardly the compass point of their programme to be attached to any of the geared wheelingal shapings so as to provide the students an opport unit of measurementy to acquire practical intimacy on the administration of an reproductional system, observing the functions of the preparational administrators and planners, the structures and functions of the bringing upal governing and the overall responsibility of its administr ation.1.1 THE ROLES OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT EDUCATION surenessThe roles of the topical anesthetic government gentility business office are concerned with the overall aspects of the indigenous education. This is further prescribed in the federal republic of Nigeria official gazette (1988) establishing the then issue Primary commandment Commission which some nutrition were upheld by the present linguistic universal proposition elemental culture Commission as followsi. The day-to-day administration of primary cultivates inwardly the topical anaesthetic establishment acquaintance domainii. Making recommendation on promotion and discipline of twain belief and non-teaching mental faculty on GL. 07 and above to the express universal basic education board,iii. The appointment, posting, transfer, promotion and discipline of both(prenominal) teaching and non-teaching staff within the localise of course of study level 01-06 iv. Payment of salaries, allowances and oth er benefits to both teaching and non-teaching staffv. Submission of exact yearly estimates, accounts, and monthly returns to the state Universal Basic study Boardvi. Acquisition and distribution of materials and equipment to primary informs vii. Understanding keen projects and general maintenance of primary educate buildings and its infrastructureviii. Arousing, promoting and encouraging common participation in the running of primary schools in the topical anaesthetic judicature Areaix. Taking all bonnie and polite steps to image full enrollment and attendance in all primary schools within the statex. Payment for any land acquired for the purpose of educational evolution xi. Supervising the district education committees within the local government areaxii. Intimating on perpetual basis feedback to the state universal basic education board on public re deed to government education measures within the areaand xiii. interpreting a detailed yearly report to the allege Univ ersal Basic Education Board on the activities of the topical anaesthetic establishment Education dresser during the preceding year, especially on instructional activities. canvass moreHuman Resource Roles and Responsibilities1.2 THE SCOPE OF THE STUDYThis practicum report is restricted to the administrative roles, functions and structures of various(a) departments in operational in the Kaduna northernmost topical anaesthetic brass Education office staff. This study will attempt to seek the order of conclusiveness qualification, dialogue channel and how discipline is maintained in the Kaduna due north Local presidential term Education Authority.1.3 THE LOCATION AND BRIEF HISTORY OF THE KADUNA trade union LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY The Kaduna northeast Local giving medication Education Authority is located along Abubakar Kigo and Nassarawa Roads respectively. At the Northern and southerly parts it bounded by Igabi and Kaduna south local government areas respectively . It is beingness ho employ on a storey building that contains twenty-four (24) offices. The Kaduna North Local administration Education Authority originated from the ancient educational tradition.The emirs and chiefs assisted by another community leaders at their respective domains were the sole authority responsible for appointing within the community credible personalities to give or train the children of the community and to report back to the emirs and chiefs. This constitution of administration was restructured to Native Authority at the advent of the colonial administration where Kaduna Metropolis was placed low the administrative jurisdiction of the Zaria Native Authority with the comp hotshotnt unit responsible for grassroots education existing alongside as being one of the social operate which the Native Authority was responsible for providing to the community.The Native Authority System of administration was in operational when the need to reform it was conceived. I t was by and by declared and reformed as the third tier of brass know as Local politics Council with the unit responsible for primary education proclaimed a department. The history of the Local Government Education Department, Kaduna North will not be complete without being tie in to the bewilder Local Government Council as it serves as the sole source of sustenance and administrative discipline for the education department though, some of these functions were transmitd at the promulgation of Decree No. 31 establishing the National Primary Education Commission by the Federal Military Government as support by the Federal Republic of Nigeria official Gazette of 17th awful 1988 respectively. In spite of the overhauling and the reformation in the education sector that brought the Universal Basic Education Authority was still maintained.The Kaduna North Local Government Education Authority was created in 1991 by the Federal Military Government with the Administrative mandate to oc cupy the Headquarters of the then Local Government Education Authority, Kaduna. This was necessary as the Headquarters was located within the administrative of the Kaduna North Local Government Education Authority.CHAPTER TWO2.0 STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE VARIOUS discussion sectionS OFKADUNA northwesterly LOCAL GOVERNMENT EDUCATION AUTHORITY The Kaduna North Local Government Education Authority is consisting of six (6) departmental mastermind with the educational depository coordinating the activities of these departments which are mentioned below i. Department of Human Resource attentionii. Department of Finance and Accountsiii. Department of Planning, Research and Statisticsiv. Department of school workv. Department of social mobilization and knowledge management vi. Department of fibre potencyThe administrative structure of the Kaduna North Local Government Education Authority is shown below i. The Education secretaireii. The Departmental heads of the various depart mentsiii. The Units headiv. The Other subordinates staff2.1 THE FUNCTIONS OF THE VARIOUS segmentS OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY The hierarchy of the Local Government Education Authority, Kaduna North provides that the education secretary is the chief administrative and accounting officer who is responsible for coordinating the functions of the various departments of the local government education authority.THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE warinessThis department performs such(prenominal) duties asi. Recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff on grade level 01-06 ii. Deployment and transfer of both teaching and non-teaching staff on grade level 01-06 iii. Preparation of pensions list of retirees and intended retirees iv. Administering promotion growth confirmations and discipline of staff within the range of grade level 01-06v. exploitation the effect emolument compute for inclusion in the main budget of the Local Government Education Authori tyvi. developing and maintaining establishment manpower plan vii. Developing job descriptions and schedule for the local Government Education Authorityviii. Re imagineing responsibilities, duties and staffing necessitate including departmental functionsix. Reviewing staffing levels and submit recommendations of such review to the state universal basic education boardx. Deployment of teachers to schools based on necessarilyxi. Preparing departmental reports to the state universal basic education board xii. Preparing unit work plans and budgetxiii. Developing and maintaining human resources policies.xiv. Establishing procreation needs or requirements and developing training plan for both teaching and non-teaching staff including stimulus generalisation programmes. xv. Recommending teaching and non-teaching staff for training and retraining. xvi. Identifying liaising with training service providersxvii. Maintaining training recordsxviii. Maintaining both confidential and open rec ords.THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTSThis department performs related functions such as-i. Preparing settlerolls and making payment of salaries, allowances and other benefits to both teaching and non-teaching staff ii. Maintaining account and other financial recordsiii. Making all payments from the LGEA accountsiv. Collaborate to check yearly budgets and estimatesv. Coordinating and controlling loans and advancesvi. Preparing monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports vii. Preparing annual financial records and ensuring they are ready for auditing viii. Providing financial advice to the LGEAix. Collaborating with the social mobilization and knowledge management to provide the LGEA stakeholder with financial update x. Liaising with the local government council on financial matters xi. Endorsing computed retirement benefitsxii. Maintaining records of all contributory pension issues xiii. Collecting from SUBEB and distributing pay slipxiv. Receiving funds from SUBEB and d isbursing same on behalf of the LGEA xv. Rendering financial returns to the state Universal Basic Education Board xvi. Maintaining bank accountsxvii. Maintaining storexviii. Maintaining assets presentxix. Preparing bank reconciliation.THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING RESEARCH AND STATISTICSThis department undertakes such related functions as-i. Propose frameworks for the departmental work plan and effectuation plans by departments ii. Coordinating the development harmonizing the LGEA plans medium term strategic sector, department annual work plan and performance targets etc iii. Coordinating the development and harmonizing the LGEA budgeting transit iv. Identifying schools to be constructed and renovated after due consolation with the department of school services v. Rendering annual reports to the state universal Basic Education Board and local Government Council vi. Preparing unit work plans and budgetsvii. Ensuring that man-to-man work plans are developed, employ andmonitored regu larly viii. Ensuring the availability and functioning of education management information system ix. Supporting the ministry and the state universal basic education board in the designing of annual school census and other survey questionnaires for both primary and next-to-last subaltern schools levels x. Supporting the administration and conduct of surveys.THE DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL SERVICESThis department performs the following functions-i. Establishment of early puerility care and development centers and overseeing the implementation of the curriculum meant for it ii. Identifying and sharing staff needs with the human resources iii. Identifying instructional materials need including textbooks and communicate to the education secretary and the universal basic education board iv. Recommending to state universal basic education board the mode of instructional materials distribution based on school needs v. compiling and forwarding school development needs to the department of prep r esearch and statistics and other relevant unitsvi. Recommending materials to be purchased such as textbooks and other instructional materials vii. Distributing both textbooks and other instructional materials to the schools and monitoring the usage of same viii. Overseeing library services in both primary junior secondary schoolsix. Coordinating the administration of exams for both primary and junior secondary schoolsx. Overseeing continuous judgment and ensure up to date class assessment records xi. Coordinating curricular activities such as sports, health, clubs etcxii. Providing counseling and guidance services to both primary and junior secondary schoolsxiii. Maintaining records of pupils transiting to junior secondary schoolxiv. Overseeing the provision of education for disabled children through facilitating desegregation of disabled pupils into regular schoolsxv. Liaising with the state Universal Basic Education Board to provide education for children in nomadic communitie s xvi. Coordinating school improvement initiativesTHE DEPARTMENT OF fond MOBILIZATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT This department is responsible for the under listed duties/functions i. Developing strategies for community participation and mobilizationii.Constructing alliance within the community, civil baseball club non-governmental organizations etc to support educational developmentiii. Ensuring the establishment and support of the ongoing school Based Management Committees within the schoolsiv. Developing and implementing strategies for community mobilization, advocacy and integration at local Government Area, wards and communityv. Ensuring that community participates in the implementation of the Universal Basic Education Programs in local Government Areasvi. Promoting enrolment, attendance , retention and completion of girls education and out of school childrenvii. Monitoring and advising on the implementation of self-help projectsviii. Working with communities to promote access and equityix. Through advocacy, sensitization, mobilization create platform for community enlightenments or awareness and participation in local Government Education Authority activitiesx. Facilitating community supports for schoolsxi. Strengthening communicating between the State Universal Basic Education Board, Local Government Education Authority, Ward, Community and schools xii. Producing materials for the LGA such as bulletin board etc xiii. Ensuring satis incidentory implementation of self-help project at the beneficiary schools.THE QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENTThe functions of this department are highlighted underneathi. Coordinating all calibre assurance activities at the LGEAii. Establishing the LGEA works plans and schedules for the paygrade of primary schools and feed back to zonary offices iii. Coordinating training and re-training of primary military rating officersiv. Creating conducive systems for monitoring the quality of the whole school evaluation and the evalua tors and ensure implementation of follow up activities v. Establishing a system for dealing with poor performing schoolsvi. Setting an annual target based on the priorities of the LGEAvii. Preparing an annual detailed report covert the activities of the LGEAviii. Evaluating and re-accrediting primary schools within the LGEA at least once in trinity (3) years ix. Ensuring that the LGEA Evaluators follow standards and bench marks for evaluation of schools x. Providing feedback to schools onevaluation reportsxi. Producing instruments for school evaluationxii. Preparing work plans and budget for the unitxiii. Creating and maintaining database of all evaluation documents.2.2 THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE KADUNA NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT EDUCATION AUTHORITY Figure 1 Present the organisational structure of the Kaduna North Local Government Education AuthorityCHAPTER THREE3.0 THE METHODOLOGY OF DECISION reservationAccording to Fred C. Lunenburg and Allan C. Ornstien (2008) sees deter mination making as the affect of choosing from among resources. Therefore, decision making is generally the thinking that follows alternative chargets aimed at arriving at the eventual rectify that is called decision making. The ability of an organization to function effectively depending just on the type of leader it has.This is also the same with the functioning of organizations which depend on the kind of decisions made concerning it. This assertion is true because whatever plans of action an organization takes is the product of a decision. Whether such a decision proves effective for the organization or ineffective depends on how reasonable and relevant such a decision was.Consequently, decision making in an organization as it affects the Kaduna North Local Government Education Authority will be short examined with a view to ascertaining how sound decisions can be arrived at and who should be involved in the decision making.3.1 THE MODE OF MAKING DECISIONThe Local Governm ent Education Authority, Kaduna North takes decisions on issues that affect it collectively involving the jumper lead officers drawn from various departments and sections. 3.2 DECISION MAKING MODELThe universally gratifying decision making adopted by the LGEA involves variety of steps through which it is hoped that individual will be enabledto arrive at more reasonable decisions. i. Determining the problem and its scope This is concern with identifying of the problem for which a decision is sought. It is critically thought over in order to fully apprehend and then defined and the actual limit of the problem known ii. abridgment and Evaluation The individual perceives the problem wholistically and decides whether or not a decision will be made to solve the problem.If it is irrelevant then the opinion of a decision is therefore dropped iii. Formulating alternative solutions This explains that when individual has agreed to withdraw a decision on the problem. He then develops alte rnative solution to the problem he intends to solve iv. Determining workability of proposed alternatives this assists in determining the practicable effects after having compared the formulated alternatives with a view to helping the individual to have an idea of the best alternative to takev. Selecting one alternative this is the selecting of alternative which presents more favorable related consequences to unfavorable ones as the potential decision vi. Test-out This is the putting into practical action the alternative solution chosen on the basis of trial vii. Evaluation of alternatives This is the assessment of consequences arising during the trial period of the selected alternative. If the consequences are found to be autocratic and sound, the alternative then becomes the decision.CHAPTER quaternary4.0 COMMUNICATIONAccording to A. Owan Enoh, Becky B. Bamanja and Roy O. J. Onuwuka (1987) define communication as a process of disseminating information from and to every member o f such an organization. It is generally, viewed and as a system of linking the individual, the group and the organization.4.1 CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATIONThe most common utilise channel of communication in the Kaduna north local government education authority involves the following i. Ideating The development of an idea, message, or information to transit/ send to the subordinates to the members of the community ii. Encoding This is the idea that the sender intends to convey or impart to the individual andeven the public. Symbols such as words. Non-verbal cues or picture and even diagrams are designed to disseminate messages iii. Transmitting This segment of communication channels takes place as soon as the message is developed. This includes several methods such as memoranda, circular, telephone, board policy or management policy statement and face-face communication.iv. Receiving This channel requires that the receiver should be a good listener to the unwritten message. In other words, if the message is written, the receiver must be serious-minded to its specified and implied meaning. v. Decoding This is referring to the translation of an already received message into a perceived or interpreted meaning. The ability of the receiver is to take patrimonial messages and give meaning to them. vi. Acting this is the last communication channels. it involves putting into action or practice the information so far conveyed or disseminated for the positive improvement of an organization.4.2 COMMUNICATION PROCESSDirection of communicationThere are basically two (2) ways of communication flow or explosive charge videlicet downwards and upward systems but the one that is commonly in used in the Kaduna North Local Government Education Authority which is the downward communication will be briefly discussed belowDownward communication is referred to the communication pattern in an organization where directives are issued from a higher(prenominal) point of administrativ e function to a lower one. This could further be illustrated as when the education secretary gives directives to the departmental heads of the Kaduna North Local Government Education Authority who are as well accountable to the substitution administrative function.CHAPTER FIVE5.0 METHOD OF MAINTAINING DISCIPLINE IN KADUNA NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT EDUCATION AUTHORITY The term discipline is defined in the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (2005) as the practice of training people to adapt rules and orders and punishing them if they do not the controlled behavior or situation that egresss from this training. From the above definitiontherefore, discipline is the ability to obey rules and others which are formulated and regulated by the constituted authority. The methods of maintaining discipline in the Kaduna North Local Government Education Authority among its employees is categorized into two(2) viz. staff within the range of grade level 01-06 and staff from grade level 07 above Th e discipline of staff on grade level 01-06 is purely the responsibility of the Local Government education authority and this encounter when an employee is alerted of the implications of his/her action and as well informed of the decision of the management against him or her.Though these disciplinary measures varies from the magnitude of the offence committed. Some offences attracted instant liberation considering their seriousness. The discipline of staff on grade level 07 and above rests solely on the state universal basic education board. Though the process of administering such discipline starts from the local government education authority by bringing to the attention of the board the type of offence an employee committed and the detailed recommended disciplinary measures due to imposed on the offender.5.1 THE AIMS OF DISCIPLINE IN KADUNA NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT EDUCATION AUTHORITY Discipline is significant in any human or organization like the Local Government Education Author ity. It is through enforcement of discipline that peaceful and harmonious conduct of organizational activities are successfully carried out by the personnel that further result in the attainment of the desired goals of the organization. Discipline regulates the conduct of daily activities of the personnel to conform to the laid-down rules and regulations.5.2 RECOMMENDATIONSi. Releasing the need and importance of offering admission to the juvenility to undergo this programme, those who are within the range of participating in the National Youth Service Corps assignment, necessary arrangements be put in place to enable them take part in the National computer programme at the completion of their educational programmes ii. In recognition the functions and importance of planning in an organization, the management of the university will dialogue with the government with a view to considering graduates of educational and ministration and planning to serve as educationadministrators and p lanners.iii. Considering the fact that, this programme is purely of education administrators and planners, effort be made to remove teaching practice from the course content and be replaced with industrial attachment. iv. As examinations are uniformly conducted across the nations institution the betrothal of uniform implementation of educational polices by the Local Government Education Authorities is paramount.BIBLIOGRAPHYThe Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette No.53 (17 Aug.1988) Vol.75.A. Owan Enoh, Becky B.Bamaja and Roy O. J Onwuka (1987) aHandbook of Educational Foundations Challenge Press, Jos, Nigeria.Fred C. Lunenburg and Allan C. Orstein 2008 Educational Administration, Concepts and Practices fifth Edition Printed in the United States of America.

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